Saturday, December 28, 2019

Symptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety/OCD/PTSD Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder PTSD When it comes to generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) though they differ in each diagnosis, they also can share a unique bond with each other. Both diagnoses can co-occur among patients. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-V), post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that s triggered by exposure to one or more tragic/terrifying events. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). For generalized anxiety disorder, according to the DSM-V, â€Å"the essential feature of generalized anxiety disorder is excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation) about a number of events or activities. The intensity, duration, or frequency of the anxiety and worry is out of proportion to the actual likelihood or impact of the anticipated event† (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p.1). Similarities/Differences Each of these diagnosis can both cause a strain in someone’s life and can possibly result in not being able to function of cope with day-to-day activities based. According to research conducted by Beck, Jones, Reich, Woodward, Cody (2015), GAD diagnostically shares several symptoms with PTSD such as difficulty sleeping and concentrating. Both are aShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1860 Words   |  8 PagesAnxiety plays a key role in the lives of many people in this world and causes many of them to feel very nervous or concerned about what is to come. There are many disorders that can come with having anxiety, but the most common disorder of them is Generalized Anxiety Disorder. By comprehending the effects and symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, there can be a result of treatments and medication that can lead to coping with GAD. More often than not, people tend to have regular anxiety and thatRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of G eneralized Anxiety Disorder1742 Words   |  7 Pages TERMINOLOGY CLINICAL CLARIFICATION Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a DSM-V anxiety disorder characterized by excessive worry and apprehensiveness about a variety of present and future activities and events. 48 o Six-month duration of anxiety and worry about a number of activities and events o Difficult for the patient to control the worry o Three or more of the following associated symptoms NOTE: only one item is required for children Restlessness, feeling on edge Easily fatigued TroubleRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder892 Words   |  4 PagesPsychology Fall, 2016, Worksheet One 1. Define generalized anxiety disorder, and discuss how it differs from panic attacks, and from specific phobias. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and a feeling of being out of control. In addition, individuals with this disorder often experience a lack of concentration, disturbances in sleep, restlessness, and irritability. This disorder differs from panic attacks in that the anxiety is future based, instead of present based. DueRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1085 Words   |  5 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorders Introduction to the paper Anxiety is a component found within many other mental disorders. The most common is depression. There are a number of anxiety disorders in the DSM, we will be looking at generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Generalized anxiety disorder causes one to worry and have anxiety about an event or activity that will most likely intensify and have a high impact on that particular activity or event. An individual diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorderRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1498 Words   |  6 Pages The basis and length of Ms. Hendricks symptoms of worry, and feeling overwhelmed is closely related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a highly prevalent disorder characterized by excessive worry or anxiety about everyday events, whether they are internal or external or originating in the past, present, and/or future (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder result from increase, typical, inflexible interactions ofRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1660 Words   |  7 PagesGeneralized anxiety disorder or GAD is described as excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no logical reasons to justify it. Symptoms from this particular type of mental disorder include over exaggerated worrying and anxiety, an unrealistic view of situations in everyday life, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and more. Life becomes a constant state of worry and dread. Eventually, the anxiety overtakes the person s mindset so muchRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay2459 Words   |  10 Pages8) Other Specified Anxiety Disorder, with full criteria for generalized anxiety not met A 27-year-old electrician is describing symptoms that do not meet the full criteria for any of the disorders in the anxiety disorders diagnostic class of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Therefore, a diagnosis of other specified anxiety disorder is appropriate. However, it should be noted that the symptoms described are highlyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder2442 Words   |  10 Pages Introduction Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an excess and uncontrollable type of anxiety that causes worry with future events or activities. It is a very common and persistent disorder, more in women than in men. Some of the symptoms of this disorder are, restlessness, disturbance in sleeping, tight or tension feelings, increase of heart rate, sweating and many more (Mohlman, 2006). Adults over the age of 60 have the most common rate of having GAD, according to Mohlman â€Å"estimated prevalence ratesRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder1591 Words   |  7 Pagesprovided, Mary meets diagnostic criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) (APA, 2013). Mary experiences excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not for at least six months, about a number of events (work, friends, health). Mary reported that it is difficult to control the worry. The anxiety and wor ry are associated with the following symptoms, which are present for more days than not:Read MoreSymptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder1218 Words   |  5 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorder Degie Gelaw American Sentinel University Generalized Anxiety Disorder The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the body’s â€Å"fight-or-flight† response by releasing epinephrine and nor-epinephrine when a perceived threat or situation arises resulting in feeling anxious. When a body’s physiological response which is a normal phenomenon becomes exaggerated and is associated with a particular fear or situation, a person feels extremely threatened resulting Symptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Psych 335 – Abnormal Psychology Fall, 2016, Worksheet One 1. Define generalized anxiety disorder, and discuss how it differs from panic attacks, and from specific phobias. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive anxiety and a feeling of being out of control. In addition, individuals with this disorder often experience a lack of concentration, disturbances in sleep, restlessness, and irritability. This disorder differs from panic attacks in that the anxiety is future based, instead of present based. Due to this difference individuals with generalized anxiety disorder, have anxiety about a situation in which they are not currently in, while people who experience panic attacks initially react to a perceived threat in the environment. Also, generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks or panic disorder are associated with dissimilar physiological reactions. With panic disorder, there is arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, which results in symptoms such as increased heart rate, trembling and sweating. Physical symptoms of part of generalized anxiety disorder include muscle tension, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. For generalized anxiety disorder, there is are biological and psychological vulnerabilities, this is true of panic disorder as well, however there is also learned component; this difference is found in specific phobias in that it often results from learned experiences. In comparison with specific phobias, generalized anxietyShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1860 Words   |  8 PagesAnxiety plays a key role in the lives of many people in this world and causes many of them to feel very nervous or concerned about what is to come. There are many disorders that can come with having anxiety, but the most common disorder of them is Generalized Anxiety Disorder. By comprehending the effects and symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, there can be a result of treatments and medication that can lead to coping with GAD. More often than not, people tend to have regular anxiety and thatRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder1742 Words   |  7 Pages TERMINOLOGY CLINICAL CLARIFICATION Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a DSM-V anxiety disorder characterized by excessive worry and apprehensiveness about a variety of present and future activities and events. 48 o Six-month duration of anxiety and worry about a number of activities and events o Difficult for the patient to control the worry o Three or more of the following associated symptoms NOTE: only one item is required for children Restlessness, feeling on edge Easily fatigued TroubleRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1085 Words   |  5 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorders Introduction to the paper Anxiety is a component found within many other mental disorders. The most common is depression. There are a number of anxiety disorders in the DSM, we will be looking at generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Generalized anxiety disorder causes one to worry and have anxiety about an event or activity that will most likely intensify and have a high impact on that particular activity or event. An individual diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorderRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1498 Words   |  6 Pages The basis and length of Ms. Hendricks symptoms of worry, and feeling overwhelmed is closely related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a highly prevalent disorder characterized by excessive worry or anxiety about everyday events, whether they are internal or external or originating in the past, present, and/or future (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder result from increase, typical, inflexible interactions ofRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay1660 Words   |  7 PagesGeneralized anxiety disorder or GAD is described as excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no logical reasons to justify it. Symptoms from this particular type of mental disorder include over exaggerated worrying and anxiety, an unrealistic view of situations in everyday life, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and more. Life becomes a constant state of worry and dread. Eventually, the anxiety overtakes the person s mindset so muchRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Essay2459 Words   |  10 Pages8) Other Specified Anxiety Disorder, with full criteria for generalized anxiety not met A 27-year-old electrician is describing symptoms that do not meet the full criteria for any of the disorders in the anxiety disorders diagnostic class of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Therefore, a diagnosis of other specified anxiety disorder is appropriate. However, it should be noted that the symptoms described are highlyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder824 Words   |  4 Pages Anxiety/OCD/PTSD Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder PTSD When it comes to generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) though they differ in each diagnosis, they also can share a unique bond with each other. Both diagnoses can co-occur among patients. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-V), post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that s triggeredRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder2442 Words   |  10 Pages Introduction Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an excess and uncontrollable type of anxiety that causes worry with future events or activities. It is a very common and persistent disorder, more in women than in men. Some of the symptoms of this disorder are, restlessness, disturbance in sleeping, tight or tension feelings, increase of heart rate, sweating and many more (Mohlman, 2006). Adults over the age of 60 have the most common rate of having GAD, according to Mohlman â€Å"estimated prevalence ratesRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder1591 Words   |  7 Pagesprovided, Mary meets diagnostic criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) (APA, 2013). Mary experiences excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not for at least six months, about a number of events (work, friends, health). Mary reported that it is difficult to control the worry. The anxiety and wor ry are associated with the following symptoms, which are present for more days than not:Read MoreSymptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder1218 Words   |  5 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorder Degie Gelaw American Sentinel University Generalized Anxiety Disorder The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the body’s â€Å"fight-or-flight† response by releasing epinephrine and nor-epinephrine when a perceived threat or situation arises resulting in feeling anxious. When a body’s physiological response which is a normal phenomenon becomes exaggerated and is associated with a particular fear or situation, a person feels extremely threatened resulting Symptoms And Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Brief diagnosis of case Based on the information provided, Mary meets diagnostic criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) (APA, 2013). Mary experiences excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not for at least six months, about a number of events (work, friends, health). Mary reported that it is difficult to control the worry. The anxiety and worry are associated with the following symptoms, which are present for more days than not: difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, irritability, and sleep disturbance. The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in Mary’s social and†¦show more content†¦It is believed that these experiences become learned behaviors through the modeling of their parents. It is also common to see children diagnosed with GAD where parents had either an anxiety disorder or major depression. Other factors associated w ith the diagnosis of GAD are age, gender, marital status, and stressful life events. In general, through adolescents and young adulthood (13-32 years of age) is the accepted age of onset for anxiety disorders (Dogan, 2012). This has also been found to be true of GAD specifically. In the case of both anxiety disorders in general and GAD specifically, there are a higher percentage of women than men diagnosed (Dogan, 2012). More precisely, women are twice as likely than men to experience GAD according to the DSM-5 (APA, 2013). A study published by Dogan (2012), reported that those who are single, divorced, separated, or widowed experience higher rates of GAD. This is also true for individuals who experience stressful life events in both childhood and adulthood (Dogan, 2012). It has also been found that individuals of European descent experience GAD more frequently than other individuals (APA, 2013). Summary of Literature on Effective Treatments One of the most effective evidence-based treatments offered for GAD includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The goal of

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Debate Regarding Same Sex Marriage - 2617 Words

The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but when defined broadly, marriage is considered to be an institution common to all human cultures. In terms of legal recognition, most sovereign states limit marriage to male and female couples (two persons of opposite gender). Nowadays a growing number of countries (about 15) have established a legal recognition for same-sex marriage. While few societies have recognized same-sex unions as marriages there is a long history of same-sex unions around the world. Various types of same-sex unions have existed, ranging from informal, unsanctioned, and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions. The attitude of people reveals a large range of attitudes towards same-sex†¦show more content†¦People marry for many reasons, including: legal, social, sexual, emotional, financial, spiritual and religious, but marriages is primarily a social stabilizer because it creates the only association able to move forward our social heritage. Families (association of individual: the entity) are one of the fundamental keys to understand life. Why, would you say? Well, because without living a family life, without children, spouse, companions, neighbours and associates, it is impossible to experience the renunciation of self for the good of others (love: not sex). A family (cultural legacy) starts with the association of man and women and not merely with the association of individual having the same sex, because family have a cultural heritage not coming only from past generations but a legacy that can be extended to following generations for the betterment of the whole. Two individuals of the same sex in a relationship cannot transmit anything further from their union because they cannot naturally procreate. The preservation of self, means the preservation of the individual, but when this preservation of self exists in a community (group of individuals: the community: the state) the social group mus t also assume it and is therefore obliged to create rules for the good and the sustaining of itself: the whole. As a single individual you are temporary within a family, but the family and its culture (its legacy) will continue if childrenShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1188 Words   |  5 Pagesmost specifically, the topic of same sex marriage. While a copious amount of people agree that same sex marriage is no different than heterosexual marriage and should be awarded the same protection, others argue that it is an infringement upon family values, tradition, and religious sensibilities. Over the past few years, several state appellate courts have looked at whether their respective state constitutions actually protect the right to marry a same-sex partner. These courts addressingRead MoreThe Debate Over Same Sex Marriage1334 Words   |  6 Pagesapprove the so-called Federal Marriage Amendment. This would amend the US Constitution to legally define marriage as the union of a man and a woman only. Utah has passed a similar amendment that was ratified by Utah voters in the general election of 2004. I believe that couples of the same sex should be able to marry, and receive the same rights as man and women couples, but I m going to argue both points. The pros and the cons of same sex marriage. -Same sex marriage has been a fight that has beenRead MoreLgbtq Rights And Lgbt Rights1403 Words   |  6 PagesWhat laws and measures have been taken to protect LGBTQ rights/marriage in multiple states including New York and throughout the world? LGBTQ rights have been a largely debated issue for many years now. Many questions about gay rights still stand. Should people who are LGBTQ have the right to marry? Do they deserve the same rights? In October 2014, only 19 states legalized LGBTQ marriage. (â€Å"By the numbers, Same-sex†) Now, in March 2015, that number has almost doubled. (37 States with Legal) It’sRead MoreThe Canada And The Gay Rights Movement1003 Words   |  5 Pagesage of consent for anal sex from 18 and 14 for other sexual activity and it was recognized that a higher age for consent of anal sex was unconstitutional (BC Teachers’ Federation, 2016). Since then there have been many changes to the political and social system in Canada to be able to improve the rights not only individuals whom are part of the LGBTQ community, but also for those whom are in same sex relationships (BC Teachers’ Federation, 2016). As of 2005, same-sex marriage was legalized in Canada;Read MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1351 Words   |  6 Pagesfor United States, gay marriage became legal in all 50 states. In most states it already was but the remaining 13 became legal this year. There are many concerns regarding gay marriage, and the effects of them involve many legislative, cultural, religious and family issues. Gay marriage is controversial because a lot of people do not approve of it, they think it is immoral, unnatural, and not what the traditional concept of â€Å"marriage† really means. Opponents of gay marriage say it is only meant forRead MoreSame Sex Marriage and Politics in the U.S. Essay800 Words   |  4 PagesRecently, Same Sex Marriage has become a major issue in the United States. There are variations in opinions concerning the topic. The main concern is should same sex marriage be allowed or declared unconstitutional. Plenty of conservatives are completely against gay marriage and many of liberals are fighting for equal treatment. Many controversies and a rguments have developed from this issue. There are many reasons why gay marriage should be legal or illegal. The people who oppose same sex marriageRead MoreCritical Analysis of Schulmans Article Gay Marriage and Marriage963 Words   |  4 PagesMarriage, for years has been argued that the rights to it or strictly only between a man and a women. Both sexes are assumed to marry someone of the opposite sex. What if, however, an individual wanted to marry someone of the same sex? Why is this debate so heavily heated amongst individuals? Is it that religion is a large structure base that those in society are guided by? Or is it that individuals do not understand that marriage is a union between two individuals who are in love? Whatever the caseRead MoreArguments For Same Sex Marriage1483 Words   |  6 Pageslove regardless of gender, the rest of the country continues to forbid same-sex couples to marry (Ahuja) and in doing so, infringe upon one of the most basic freedoms we are allowed. Arguments for same-sex marriage, despite being backed up with hard legal evidence and Supreme Court ruli ngs, continue to face opposition on the grounds of religious beliefs and personal values. Often cited by Catholics is an interpretation of marriage as â€Å"a promise made to God† and â€Å"a holy sacrament† that is only to beRead MoreGay Marriage1711 Words   |  7 PagesRWS 305 T 4PM Professor Voth October 13, 2009 Gay Marriage Begins With Separation Our country was built on the foundation of separation between church and state. But has the concrete wall of separation begun to deteriorate? Or was it ever really there at all? As we continuously battle over the rights to same sex marriage, the question of church or state surfaces. It is due time that we examine this matter and decide once and for all if the church should have any opinion in theRead MorePersuasive Essay On Same Sex Marriage1005 Words   |  5 Pagesmany expectations as to who people should be and how marriage is supposed to work. From the beginning, marriage between a man and woman has been considered the bedrock of society. Dating back to the 1970s; same sex marriage has been a major issue. In an article on MPR News written by Sasha Aslanian, she states, â€Å"On May 18th, 1970, two Minneapolis men made a shocking request. They applied for a marriage license†¦ At the time, Minnesota’s marriage laws didn’t mention gender, but Hennepin Co unty rejected

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Law question free essay sample

Ali had an antique motorbike which he decided to sell. He parked the motorbike on his front lawn with a sign For sale- RM20,000. Ah Chong, who saw the sign, said to Ali that he would be prepared to buy the motorbike for RM15,000. Ali replied that the price is too low and suggested RM18,000. Ah Chong responded by asking if Ali would be prepared to accept payment of the RM18,000 in three monthly instalments of RM6,000 each. Ali replied that he would not. Ali then added, Anyway I am no longer interested in selling the motorbike to you. At that precise moment Ali spoke these words, a helicopter flew low overhead and drowned out his words. Ali did not bother to repeat what he had just said and was leaving when Ah Chong quickly agreed to the RM18,000 suggested earlier by Ali. Discuss whether there is a contract between Ali and Ah Chong. Explain whether your answer would be different if the helicopter flying overhead had not drowned out Alis words and Ah Chong heard what was said? Assignment Answer In this assignment, I would like to discuss the question above part by part. First of all, from the sentence , He parked the motorbike on his front lawn with a sign For sale- RM20,000, it is said that there was an invitation to trade. Invitation to treat or simply speaking information to bargain means a person inviting others to make an offer in order to create a binding contract. An example of invitation to treat is found in window shop displays and product advertisement. . In another words it is a special expression showing a person’s willingness to negotiate. The issue of invitation to treat was discussed in the case of Fisher v Bell[1961] 1 QB 394 by the English Court of Appeal : â€Å"It is perfectly clear that according to the ordinary law of contract the display of an article with a price on it in a shop window is merely an invitation to treat. It is in no sense an offer for sale the acceptance of which constitutes a contract. †[1]. An offer can be seen from the prescribed text, Ah Chong, who saw the sign, said to Ali that he would be prepared to buy the motorbike for RM15,000. It is stated in Section 2(a) Contracts Act 1950, when one person signifies to another his willingness to do or abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to the act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal. and Section 2(b) Contracts Act 1950,when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted :a proposal, when accepted, becomes a promise. . Both laws were applied when Ah Chong has shown his willingness to make an offer as he would be PREPARED to buy the motorbike for RM15,000. However, a counter offer was made by Ali when instead of accepting or rejecting Ah Chongs offer, Ali made another offer: Ali replied that the price is too low and suggested RM18,000. Ali’s offer refers to a counter offer. In this situation unless an acceptance is rendered, there is no binding contract between A and B. This situation is stated in Section 6(c) Contracts Act 1950- by the failure of the acceptor to fulfill a condition precedent to acceptance. There was famous case known as [2]Hyde v. Wrench, [1840] EWHC Ch J90 where Wrench (D) offered to sell his estate to Hyde for 1200 pounds and Hyde (P) declined. Wrench then made a final offer to sell the farm for 1000 pounds. Hyde in turn offered to purchase the property for 950 pounds and Wrench replied that he would consider the offer and give an answer within approximately two weeks. Wrench ultimately rejected the offer and the plaintiff immediately replied that he accepted Wrench’s earlier offer to sell the real estate for 1000 pounds. Wrench refused and Hyde sued for breach of contract and sought specific performance, contending that Wench’s offer had not been withdrawn prior to acceptance. The question or issue here is if one party makes an offer and the offeree makes a counteroffer, does the original offer remain open? Answer is No because a counteroffer negates the original offer. By making a counteroffer, the plaintiff rejected the original offer and he was not entitled to revive it. So in another words, the parties did not form a binding contract. Then we proceed to the next part where Ah Chong made a mere enquiry to Ali by asking if Ali would be prepared to accept payment of thr RM18,000 in three monthly instalments of RM6,000 each. Then, Ali replied that he would not. On top of that, Ali added that he is no longer interested in selling the motorbike to Ah Chong. Section 5(1) Contract Acts 1950 A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards. This particular case [3][3]ROUTLEDGE V GRANT (1828) 4 BING 653 is another example of revocation of an offer : Grant wrote to Routledge offering to purchase the lease of his house. The offer was to remain open for six weeks. Grant then changed his mind about purchasing the lease and, within the six weeks, withdrew his offer. After Routledge had received Grant’s letter withdrawing the offer, he wrote back to Grant, within the six weeks, accepting Grant’s offer. The issue before the court was whether Grant could withdraw his offer within the six week period or whether he was bound contractually given that Routledge had accepted the offer within the timescale. The court held the offer could be withdrawn within the six week period without incurring any liability – if one party has six weeks to accept an offer, the other has six weeks to put an end to it. One party cannot be bound without the other. The case and scenario above convey an useful reminder that until such time as an offer is accepted, the offeror is free to revoke it, even if they have given the recipient a period of time to consider it. When Ali spoke : I am no longer interested in selling the motorbike to you. a helicopter flew and drowned his words. And yet, Ali did not bother to repeat what he just said and was leaving when Ah Chong quickly agreed to the RM18,000 suggested earlier by Ali. In this particular moment, Ali rejected Ah Chongs offer but according to Section 6(a) Contracts Act 1950- by the communication of notice of revocation by the proposer to the other party. It states that revocation os not effective until it is received, communicated. In fact, Ali himself reluctant to repeat what he said which is very important and vital in that situation. Here is one similar case, [4]Byrne v Van Tienhoven (1880) LR 5 CPD 344. In this case, Van Tienhoven offered to sell goods to Byrne by letter dated 1 October. On 8 October, prior to acceptance, Van Tienhoven posted a letter revoking the offer. This letter was received by Byrne on 20 October. In the meantime, on 11 October Byrne received the letter and dispatched an acceptance. Was there a contract? To be effective revocation must be communicated. Where post is used for acceptance, acceptance occurs when and where sent. However, this rule does not apply in relation to revocation of offers thus, if post is used for revocation, communication is only effective if and when it is received by the offeree. As this occurred after acceptance there was a contract formed in this case. An offer was containing a price escalation clause. A counter offer was then made without this clause; it contained a detachable receipt which the company sent back with a notation that they assumed it was on their terms. Thus, the intended message was failed to be received by Ah Chong, the offer has not been revocated. There is a contract between Ali and Ah Chong in this scenario. Section 6(a) Contracts Act 1950 obviously stated revocation must be actually communicated to the offeree before the offer can be treated as effectively revoked. Besides, Section 4(1) Contracts Act 1950- The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made. Importance of conveying message has been shown when either offering or revocating an offer. On the other hand, if the helicopter flying overhead had not drowned out Alis words and Ah Chong heard what was said, outcomes definitely would be different. As was mentioned earlier, if the intended message was communicated or received by Ah Chong, revocation of the offer will succeed. In conclusion, communication is very crucial when conducting contracts or offerings as the outcomes and consequences can differ easily.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Growth And Financial Performance Of Electric-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Growth And Financial Performance Of Electric? Answer: Introducation The bakery business is the kind of business in which the baker uses certain ingredients and applies some methods to get some yummy eatables for the consumers. Most of the bakery products are perishable in nature, and involves use of special ingredients. Over the years there have been huge improvements in the bakery business since then. Many technological innovations have took place and that have made the business more bigger and the bakers are not only restricted to small shops or kiosks anymore. They provide a lot of other services to the consumers that includes dinning in and caf services. The revenue of these bakeries runs into millions and there are many institutes around the world that teaches bakery professionally, many students see this as an excellent career options. So the face of the baking business has changed a lot over the years. From small shops they have changed into big business houses that provide multiple services to their consumers. In this case study we will study about the B bakery firm that had its revenues running into millions, and the overall employee count was 70. However the business was facing low times, because the demand of the consumers is changing. They want more of healthy products and that is different from the regular baking products(Abbott Kantor, 2017). So the company wants to introduce some changes in this system and the company wants to get new accounting software that will help them in management of the data. The bakery industry is a developing one and there are many changes are occurring. Few of the processes that are very much required in the baking industry are, procurement of the fresh and right ingredients. Most of the ingredients that are used are to be used within a short time frame otherwise they will became non useable. Hence it is important to effectively research the market and than get the right ingredient . Cost cutting is also important to makes sure that there no unwanted wastage because of the same. This is again an important phenomenon in the baking industry. Other important methods include automation of manual services that will help in saving a lot of time and efforts. As we know that the baking business includes a lot of man power so that might lead to increased cost and often cause errors in the system. So to avoid the same it is important to make sure that automation is introduced in the system that will help in reduction of these errors and help in saving a lot of cost(Alexander, 2016). Another important method includes that they maintain high sa les volume, which means that they must make sure that there every day sales is at par, because the baking products are highly perishable. If the consumers do not consume them within a particular time frame then there will be wastage. Hence anticipation of sales is very important. It is necessary to understand how much sales is to occur each day, and that will help in reducing wastage. We also see that with the increase in competition, brand promotion and marketing have become a very important part of so many industries. The baking business is evolving. People are looking for healthy alternatives. Hence it is important that they must be innovation and changes in the present scenario. Companies must do ample research to make sure that they are able to introduce such products in their menu that will attract customers. It will also give them an edge over others and will help them in maintaining a strong business base. These are few of the methods that every baker needs to perform in tod ays time(Arnott, et al., 2017). Important methods in the baking industry are- Automation of services- This will help in solving a lot of issues. It will help in getting the tedious work completed within time and will help in saving a lot of time. It will help in making the business more efficient and error free. People will realize what kind of issues might exist in the system, and employing accounting software will help them in getting a clear picture of the entire scenario. Thus it is highly recommended to infuse technology in the traditional baking methods and make it more efficient. Maintaining high volume of sales- It si very important to anticipate the total amount of sales and make the business function the same way. It is important to make sure that the company is able to produce that much products that are needed and avoid any kind of wastage(Belton, 2017). Most of the bakery goods are highly perishable and must be consumed within a time frame of one or two days , thus it is important that the companies do their analysis before producing these goods and that will help a lot in reducing high amount of wastage. Promotion and brand marketing Another important feature of the bakery business is that there must be effective amount of promotion and brand marketing. There is so much competition in this market and hence companies are required to plan and develop a proper marketing plan that will help them in getting an edge over their competitors. It will also help them in better brand value creation. This is an important aspect of branding and promotion that it helps in getting the customers aware about the various products that are there in the market(Belton, 2017). It will also help in bringing any innovation in the already exisisting methods, as competition increases each will try to out do one another. These are few of the methods that the companies want to employ by using the new accounting software and want some specific results that will help in the overall development of the business(Bromwich Scapens, 2016). The main outcomes that the company wants out of all these processes is that they will help in all round development of the company and help them in getting an edge over their competitors. It is also help in cost optimization and help in saving a lot of wastage that might occur otherwise. It will also help in developing the company by bringing in new technological changes. In this twenty first century it has become a very important part of the company to be technologically advanced as it will help them in saving time resources and bringing better changes in the already existing system. The other outcomes that the company wants from the new system is that there must be a system that will help them recognize the small errors and bugs and help them to remove it. It will also in improving the overall efficiency of the employees(Dichev, 2017). The company will be benefited a lot if they go for effective brand promotion. They can appoint an expert also that they can help them in this matter . Brand promotion is very important it will help them in improving the total amount of sales. It will help them in beating their customers. The customers will be aware about the products so that in turn will help in improving the total amount of sales of the company. These are few of the methods that will help the company in developing an growing(Guragai, et al., 2017). The B bakery business is suffering losses and is looking for alternatives that might help them in growing and getting an edge over their competitors so the company can achieve the same by installing a good accounting software package. That package must be within the budget of the company and will help the company in removing its discrepancies and ensuring all round development and growth. There are so many accounting software packages in the market. Each software have their own type of feature and characters. Few of the most important features that the company wants the accounting software to have are Customization- The accounting software should be such that they must be able to be customized as per the needs of the company. The demands of every company are different, there processes are different, so the software sometimes must be customized as per the needs of the management. The company needs to do proper research in the market needs to make sure that they choose the correct product that are suiting their needs. They must try to go for such vendors that provide them with these basic facilities. Adaptability- There are so many software packages in the market, some are high ERP based that are suited to the needs of the company that have high demands and some are small ranged ERP packages that are suited to medium ranged companies. Every company has their own needs and demand and thus they need to go for such software package that is suited to their overall needs and demands. Thus adaption is an important criterion. The packages must be easy to use and the employees must be able to understand how to use them. Thus the companies should do proper research before going for these packages and then select that package that is suitable to their needs and business(Hall Rapanotti, 2017). Interoperability- It is important that companies must go for such software package such that is able to satisfy the needs of the company. There are various departments in the company like sales, HR, marketing department, production etc. It is therefore important to have such software package that can be easily used in all the departments and they must be able to seamlessly get into the business of the company. It wont be easy for the company to get different software package for different departments, thus it is important to get such package that is able to satisfy the needs of all the departments of the company. Cost effective- The companies should go for that packages that are cost effective. They must be within the budget of the company, and should be such that provides long term service to the company and can be used for a long time. This is one of the most important features; for this company needs to make sure that the company does proper market research and then selects the best package that is as per their needs. Security- It is one of the most important features that the software packages must have. The companies are using this software packages to store their most important and confidential data. It is important to have proper security and there must be proper antivirus and other measures that must be employed to make sure that the company is keeping the data safe. These are the most important methods that the company must employ. The company must make sure that the vendor is providing them with proper security and thus there must be proper updating in this matter(Kew Stredwick, 2017). This will help them in keeping the business safe and will also make sure that important data is not losing of the company. These are the few features of the software package that the company must have and hence make sure that the accounting software must be very stable and easy to use of the business. It will help them in making the business better and will help them in doing well in the long run. There are so many businesses accounting software in the market. Each has their own features and characteristics. On doing the market research the best of this accounting software were SAP, MYOB, and XERO. SAP is one of the most expensive accounting software and is mostly used in large multinational companies. This is used for maintaining high volumes of data and it will help them in managing the different departments of the company. It can be easily customized and have different features that can help the company in management of all the resources. MYOB is the medium ranged software package that will help them in managing small volume of data and is mostly used in medium range of business. These have many features that can help the company in the long run and will help the company to manage their business effectively(Linden Freeman, 2017). XERO is the kind of software that can be used in managing huge amount of inventory and specially used in managing inventory. This is the mostly used to manage inventories and specializes in that department. It is suited for those companies in which there are large amount of inventories to be managed. Hence they are very department specific and cann ot be used by the companies for the overall growth and development. There are many other software packages also in the market but out of all of them these three are the best package that can suit the needs of the company. After considering the overall scenario it can be said that the best software that is suited to the overall needs of the company is MYOB. The company is a growing business and they do not have that much amount of data to maintain, once the business improves the company can go for high end ERP Packages that will help the company in all over development. This is why the company must go for the MYOB software it will help the company in the long run and will also be cost effective. The company has incurred huge losses hence for now it would be better if the company goes for normal ranged software package that might provide them with all round services and development(Trieu, 2017). There are so many accounting software in the market and each of them have their share of features and characters. The major differences between these software packages have been stated below in brief- SAP MYOB SAP is used to manage large amount of data and is mostly suited to satisfy the needs of big multinational companies. These are high end ERP Packages that are found in the market and are one of the best in the business. The key features of this accounting software includes that it helps in easy procurement of the raw material and effectively manage the same. It helps in providing better management to the human resources of the company. It helps in providing quality assistance to the company and its peers. It also helps in effective management of the logistics of the company and helps the management in making a mark in the company. It is mostly suited for large multinational companies and provides all round development to the company and its peers. Companies that are small and medium ranged finds it difficult to use such kind of software for their business as they cannot afford it. There are large amount of technicalities involved in the same and the employees need to be properly trained before they are able to use it. It can be easily customized as per the needs of the management and that will help in the development of the company and they can use the same as per the demands. Over all it is one of the best accounting software packages that is available in the market. And once the business of the company improves they must switch to such kind of software packages, that provide them long term growth and overall development(Venezia, 2017) MYOB is a medium ranged software package that is usually used in small companies and average firms. The software is mostly used by the company to manage medium amount of data and provide an all round development to the company and its peers. They key features of this accounting software includes that it will help in the overall development of the company as it can be easily used by all the departments. It provides easy access of data to the employees no matter where they are at the discretion of the management, thus they will help in maintaining proper data security. Other features includes that the contract with the vendor can easily be cancelled in case the company wants to use some other accounting packages. It helps in maintain flow of work within all the departments. It is very easy to use and the companies do not require to train their staff intensively. The company can easily switch to high end software packages when the business of the company expands, as of now MYOB is the best package as it provides all round services. It is easy to use, can be customized , helps in maintain interoperability between the departments and the most important feature is that it will help in automation of the entire work. The overall life of the software package is also good and when needed the companies can make the required switch that will help in their overall growth and development(Auken, 2016) Keeping in view the needs and demands of the company, and considering all the options that the company has in the present, it would be better if the company does not huge amount of money in these software packages and goes for normal ranged software packages that would help in their all round development and growth(Visinescu, et al., 2017). The company needs to select such software package that will be cost effective and also that will not suffice the overall demands. The B bakery business is growing, they want to expand into new field and since the company is incurring losses they do not have that much resources that all the demands can be fulfilled easily. So the company for now must spend in software packages that are cost effective. The specific needs of the company are- They need such software package that can be easily used by all the departments of the company, there must be interoperability and seamless data transfer from one department to the other They must choose such package that provides them with long term services and whose selg life is high so that the company does not need to make the switch very early. The company is in the growing stage they are venturing into new products and are considering new options for their menu, in that case they need packages that can help them in the same. They require such package that provides them with full automation of services and in which there is reduction in the total amount of cost that the company needs to incur and the overall scenario must be such that it helps in easy identification of bugs. Considering all the above demands of the company it can be said that MYOB is the best accounting software for the company in present. It is very cost effective and once when the business of the company expands they can easily make the switch to high end packages like the SAP. MYOB had many different features that it will help in the overall development of the company as it can be easily used by all the departments(Werner, 2017). It provides easy access of data to the employees no matter where they are at the discretion of the management, thus they will help in maintaining proper data security. Other features includes that the contract with the vendor can easily be cancelled in case the company wants to use some other accounting packages. The B bakery is a growing company they have an anuual revenue of 1.7 million dollar and the total employee count is 70, so the company is a medium ranged company and they should do proper research and analysis before choosing the right software packa ge for their business. They can go for expert advice in case they feel that they are not able to decide themselves(Charlton, et al., 2017). They should research and consider choosing the best vendor that will provide them with all the benefits that they want for the business. The vendors must be such that they provide them with updation facility as and when required. Any bugs in the system must be removed and care must be taken to ensure that the entire system is secured and there are no loopholes in the management of the same. It has become very important in toadys time to infuse technology in work and thus choosing the right software package will help in deciding the entire flow of work of the company and its employees and will ensure that in the long run the company is able to recover its losses. These are the few important consideration ,that must go in selecting the right software package for the company and its various needs. 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